it wasn't that good and the soud qualty sucked but it was taken from a movie so i understand i thought the graphics were good but lt wasn't very interesting but i still thought it was good i now wanna read the book
it wasn't that good and the soud qualty sucked but it was taken from a movie so i understand i thought the graphics were good but lt wasn't very interesting but i still thought it was good i now wanna read the book
but funy as hell i like the part when that guy dressed up in a bat outfit pops out he turns into ozzy and bites him best of the flik
brilliant, an amazing epic feat. Are you still working on this or have you just stopped working on it all together? Great work
unlike most submissions here on NG's that most people vote 5 to because of violence blood and guts this one to me was voted 5 because not only did it have great graphics and animation but this was a pure work of art amazing how the people moved just like humans do that at the begining i actually thought is was some one moving great work with that, but you should really think about submitting this short music video to a modern museum because this is a modern work of art.
are you gonna keep this new style? i like it a lot very cartoonie and funy great movie
damn ur a good lipsyncer
how can you do all those voices and yet not be able to forget which character is who even though theor all the same looking people, who knew kamping was soo much fun =p
its time to see great stick figure workk here on NG since many peoplestill think that sticks are all for n00bs
disturbing, what an acid trip
well that was a desturbing acid trip. But i liked it a lot, great graphics, as always but still very desturbing, AMAZING, but still very disturbing
Hey, I used to be really active, now Im not.
2024: Here again. Prob not for long.
Age 32, guy
Joined on 2/10/05