Allright but too many glitchs
It was a decent game at best I mean I found it fun till i realized how many glitches there were and that really brings down a game.
Well for starters The graphics and animation, this is the part were you excelled at, all the people and movements seemed to clean and smooth the background looked really polished and the sprites look really sweet.
Now onto the game play, this game runs like every other hack and slash shooter type metal slug. However I felt like you didn't really take the time to fully think through the whole fundamentals, you see this game could have had so much more to it like you needed to add in more then one directional shooting. You also really needed to make it easier I mean the AI for easy is just unbelievably cheap. You go up in the elevator and there already shooting before you enter. Now the glitches didn't really enter until you have to open the gate to get through (it has chains all over it) when the nazi's enter, the bullets that you shoot just fly right by them yet there's hurt you.
Now for a game that has beautiful artwork solid visuals but is weighed down by the uncaring gameplay and glitches you get a 6/10